Wednesday 13 March 2013

So... its past midnight and I'm still awake-much to my annoyance!  Busy day tomorrow and really do not have time for this insomnia lark...

But in the mean time I'll chatter away here.

Might as well share my favorite stand by almost instant tea recipe.
Well I say recipe...there are no measures really and its sort of adapted to what's in the fridge and that dreaded phrase...needs using up! That phrase gets uttered so much I find.

But at least the stuff is used and not wasted-hate wasting food, it seems so fruitless. 
I don't know about anyone else but I always feel so guilty if things go mouldy/I'm throwing things away!! I am a bit strange there.

Anyway I digress... (you'll find I have a tendency to do that :-) )

So back to: 

Magic Smoked salmon pasta

Its magic as its sooo easy and happens without you doing anything really.


1 pack smoked salmon trimmings about 90g I think(i get them from sainsburys) - don't use smoked salmon slices cut up just doesn't work as well-they dont make a salmon paste like the trimmings when mixed with yogurt

1 small pot natural yogurt (150g)- yeo valley in my case, I just like their yogurt.

Optional: Cherry tomatoes, spring onions, capers, what ever else you have lying around!
Salt, pepper (to taste), 
1/2tsp paprika, 
pinch cayenne pepper
squeeze lemon juice (fine without this-I just often have half lemons lying around)
Enough pasta for number of people-enough for 4 or 2 who like more sauce (me!)


Cook pasta
Chop toms into quarters
Mix everything together-season to taste.
Yep that's it-twiddle thumbs while pasta cooks
Drain pasta and mix with the sauce (dump it all in drained saucepan)
Eat and bask amazement of quite where that delicious meal came from!
Ive added stir fried cabbage, broccoli, sweetcorn, peas, broad beans and what ever other veg is in season/going mad in the garden.

Anyway no pics as I wasn't really thinking of writing about it!
Right off to try sleep again-wish me luck...


This will be random and quirky and a little bit mad. But that's me on a plate! I love new things, places oh and cooking and baking. 

OK so I'm a bit obsessed with the last few.

I'll (hopefully!) post my random discoveries, ideas, musings, recipes and what ever else I find.
And no I don't expect anyone to want to read it - purely self indulgent nonsense!